Feuilles alternes, composées paripennées comportant de 4 à 10 folioles opposées ou subopposées, pétiolulées, coriaces, ovales arrondies larges, souvent échancrées au sommet, glabres, vert luisant dessus, plus claires et parfois brunâtres dessous (parfois l'avortement d'une foliole terminale donne l'apparence d'une feuille imparipennée).
Ceratonia siliqua L. - Male flowers of Ceratonia siliqua L.
Flowers are small and numerous, 6-12 mm long, spirally arranged along the inflorescence axis in catkin-like racemes borne on spurs from old wood and even on the trunk (cauliflory). Flowers are green-tinted red. Flowers show pentamerous symmetry with calyx but not corolla placed on a short pedicel. The calyx is discshaped, reddish-green and bears nectaries. Male flowers consist of a nectarial disk with 5 stamens with delicate filaments surrounded by hairy sepals. In the centre of the disk there is a rudimentary pistil (Batlle & Tous, 1997).